Working on a Better Future Together With Local Communities, Businesses and Governments in Bali
R.O.L.E. Foundation’s vision is to empower local people, businesses and governments through practical education programs so that they can improve their local environment and develop sustainable communities.
R.O.L.E. Foundation runs two skills centers in Nusa Dua, Bali:
Bali WISE is an educational skills center focusing on Bali’s hospitality industry, and run by R.O.L.E. Foundation’s staff. The high-quality education and skills training lives up to the high quality standards of professional tourism businesses. Its purpose is to empower young, marginalized Indonesian women through skills education as a means to break te poverty cycle and develop sustainable communities in Indonesia.
The ZeroWaste Center is an environmental skills center run by R.O.L.E. Foundation. Its purpose is to share ecological knowledge & waste management training for local governments, businesses, communities and people, so that they can apply it into their working surroundings and their daily lives. By doing so, the local environment will be improved and the amount of waste ending up in rivers and oceans, or going to landfill reduced.
Eco Products

Local Jamu
Local Jamu was developed by R.O.L.E. Foundation during COVID-19 to create extra funding. With each bottle of jamu you purchase, you are supporting both the local farmers and communities who provide the ingredients and R.O.L.E. Foundation.
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